Thursday, October 28, 2010

Guitar Parts in the CAN!!

Guitar parts for 4 songs were tracked the other night. Four songs in 4 hours. Had a false start on Sunday night. Had listened to the songs for about 8 hours during bass tracking. Got the guitars set up and spent about 2 hours playing stuff that wasn't worth keeping. Had to come back another night for a fresh start.

Things fell into place a couple of nights later. I rode my bike to work just like on regular practice night. Wore my usual sweaty bike shorts that I usually wear to practice. Brad and I tracked at the same time.

Gear that I used:

* Fender Strat through Marshall with custom TubeScreamer.
* Jazzmaster through THD and custom TubeScreamer.
* Les Paul through THD and Prickly Pear/Beaver/Muff Clone.
* Les Paul through CRANKED Bassman and custom TubeScreamer.

Drums done, bass done, guitars done. Next is vocals.

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